About Us
At PuncHIIT Fitness we offer a great variety of group fitness classes, including Kickboxing, Kettlebells, Strength Training, Bootcamp Circuits, TRX + Battle Ropes, yoga & more.
We also offer 1-on-1 private personal training. In our private personal training room we focus on your goals. That might be to get stronger, add muscle, increase mobility & flexibility, core strengthening, cardio endurance or even learning a new skill (i.e. boxing or kickboxing).
Other specialties we offer are nutrition coaching, and autoimmune protocol (AIP) coaching, as well as special fun events.
Whatever your goals, you can be confident that one of our qualified instructors/coaches will help you achieve them with a program that's been personalized just for you.

1. Group Fitness Classes
Not sure where to start? At PuncHIIT Fitness your first class is always FREE, and we have a 2-week trial for only $19.99 (taxes in). So you can try all of our classes and instructors before starting your full membership. And remember, you're never locked into any of our membership packages. They can be paused or cancelled at any time with a simple email or call.
Choose from a variety of classes, such as kickboxing, kettlebells, strength, bootcamp, TRX + battle ropes, yoga, etc.
Purchase your 2-week trial now at http://shop.punchiit.ca or send us an email at info@punchiit.ca for additional information.

2. Private 1-on-1 Personal Training
Working out can be intimidating. It’s normal to have goals and be unsure how to achieve them, and it’s completely normal to lack motivation at times. A personal trainer can help you overcome your obstacles and take you to new heights on your fitness journey.
While personal trainers may seem intimidating and expensive at first glance, in reality that’s not the case. There are trainers to suit all personalities, fitness types, and budgets, and the benefits are insurmountable.
Book your FREE initial consultation at https://www.punchiit.ca/pt-consult or email info@punchiit.ca.

3. Kickboxing or Boxing Training
With kickboxing or boxing padwork you can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, body composition, reaction time, coordination, speed, agility and power. Padwork also uses interval training which is great for fat loss, aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
The intensity and complexity of padwork can be tailored to meet the ability of any individual whether they are a complete beginner or a world champion kickboxer or boxer.
Book your FREE initial consultation with one of our qualified trainers at https://www.punchiit.ca/pt-consult or email info@punchiit.ca.

4. Nutrition Coaching
Anyone who has ever embarked on a health and fitness journey knows just how important a role nutrition plays in their success. While there are many resources online to help with your nutrition needs, they lack the customization and tailored approach a nutrition coach can provide.
Most people think a nutrition coach simply tells you which foods you should eat and why. While that plays a big part in the service they provide, the benefits someone can expect from working with one are much more robust and are not just physical but mental too.
Book your FREE Nutrition Discovery session now at https://www.punchiit.ca/nutrition-consult or email info@punchiit.ca for additional info.
Visit Steph's web site at https://harmonizedhealthhfx.ca

5. Autoimmune Protocol Coaching
Sadly, cases of autoimmune Illness are on the rise! If you are one of the many individuals struggling with an autoimmune illness, or a suspected autoimmune illness we have a certified AIP coach that will help you to minimize your symptoms and maximize your health!
Join Autoimmune Protocol Coach Stephanie Lynch to find out how the Autoimmune (AIP) Protocol can help you on your journey to better health!
Book your FREE AIP Discovery session now at https://www.punchiit.ca/aip-consult or email info@punchiit.ca for additional info.
Visit Steph's web site at https://harmonizedhealthhfx.ca