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Our Classes

Find a brief description of some of the classes offered at our PuncHIIT Fitness location on Herring Cove Rd. in Spryfield.


Our unique Muay Thai Kickboxing format is accessible by anyone, any age, any fitness level, any skill level, with absolutely no previous experience required, and is just plain fun! You'll leave on an adrenaline high, having burned a ton of calories and knowing that you did something great for your overall fitness and well-being. Accompanied by great music and high energy instructors, many of which even have previous fight experience in various martial arts. 

While we teach true Muay Thai Kickboxing skills in our classes, it has been adapted to a room full of heavy bags. You'll alternate between 4 minute rounds on the heavy bags with 4 minute rounds of strength, conditioning and mobility off the bags. This is a great class for developing confidence, strength, endurance, coordination and mobility.

Group Strength

Strength training can help you get stronger and look and feel better with just a few short sessions each week. This exciting new class uses deck benches, adjustable dumbbells and resistance tubes. The flat, incline, or decline seat adjustment lets you quickly add resistance and strength training to your workout.

Boxing Padwork

Dive into the art of boxing at PuncHIIT Fitness. Elevate your striking game with precise targets, dynamic combinations, counter-striking, and defensive techniques. Unleash your potential and sculpt both body and skill.

TRX Yoga

The perfect fusion of yoga and TRX Suspension Training. Leveraging the TRX straps to either assist or challenge your yoga poses, enhancing flexibility, strength, and balance.


Whether your focus is strength, endurance, flexibility, mobility, or all of these, the kettlebell will be beneficial and effective. The kettlebell alternates periods of intense contraction and controlled relaxation, to give you a superior workout that combines strength, as well as endurance. Kettlebell workouts will help you build muscle and allow for the endurance to build to further progress in both areas.

Many kettlebell exercises allow you to build joint strength and flexibility along with strength and conditioning. The kettlebell also stimulates tremendous abdominal contraction because of the explosive conditioning movements. Basically, this means youre working your abs even when youre not working your abs. The abdominal contraction and coordinated breathing provide a very high level of conditioning that has made it popular among fighters and other elite level athletes, but is still very accessible by anyone. A strong core can be considered the foundation for most sports and fitness as a whole. The fact you can work your core indirectly, just through the dynamic aspect of kettlebells, is truly amazing.

Sprytown Circuit

Circuit training is a form of training where participants rotate through a number of stations, performing different exercises to time or repetitions, back to back, with minimum rest until the circuit is completed. There are various ways of constructing a circuit, but they would normally contain several movements including body weight, weighted and dynamic exercises.

The great thing about circuits is the adaptability available. They can be developed for cardiovascular improvement, strength, mobility, sport specificvirtually anything. They also dont need a lot of space or time and dont need to be overly complicated (unless you want them to be).

Youth Boxing

Get your kids moving, learning discipline, and building confidence in our exciting Youth Boxing Class at PuncHIIT Fitness! Designed for both boys and girls aged 12-15, this class combines the art of boxing with a fun and supportive atmosphere. Our certified instructors will teach them the fundamentals of boxing technique, footwork, and self-defense in a safe and engaging environment.

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